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What is an Instagram Caption?

An Instagram caption is a written description or explanation about the Instagram photo to provide more context. Instagram captions can include emojis, hashtags, and tags. Here’s an example of a caption on Instagram:

How to Write Instagram Captions

1. Ask for Something

Posts with the most engagement tend to have Instagram captions that ask for something. 

You might ask for friend tags such as “tag a friend who’d love this t-shirt.” You could also use your Instagram caption to ask a question such as “What do you think of this look?” And of course, you can ask for purchase by asking people to click the link in the bio. 

By asking for something, you engage your audience and strengthen your relationship with them. All good Instagram captions get people talking, sharing, or buying.

2. What’s the Instagram Caption Character Limit?

The Instagram caption character limit is 2,200 characters. How many words are 2,200 characters? About 330 words, give or take.

Take advantage of this character limit every now and then. Some days you might choose to write an Instagram caption with a string of emojis, but other days you might decide to share a story. 2,200 characters are enough to clearly communicate the context of your post.

3. Use Emojis as Easter Eggs

If you’ve got a sizable and loyal audience, you can use emojis to leave Easter eggs in your Instagram captions. What’s an Easter egg? They’re little hints that send a message across without explicitly saying anything. 

For example, Britney Spears has been using apple emojis for several weeks. She’s rumored to have an upcoming single called Apple Pie. And while she never confirms anything about the single, she keeps using apple emojis making fans hysterical. 

If you have an upcoming launch or an announcement you want to hint at, you can use emojis in your Instagram captions to create hype.

4. Brainstorm Several Good Instagram Captions First

Have you ever thought of something really witty to say after posting on Instagram? 

Bleh, sucks. The secret to coming up with the best Instagram captions the first time around is to write a bunch of captions first before choosing one. You can create a shortlist of ideas, browse hashtags for inspo, or look up puns for your keyword. 

Ultimately, you need to pre-decide what tone you want for your caption first. Do you want to share a heartfelt story or make someone laugh? Once you know the tone you want, you can come up with caption ideas to see what works best for your photo.

200 Best Instagram Captions to Use for Your Photos

Instagram Quotes

instagram hashtags

  1. Whatever is good for your soul, do that
  2. Even the stars were jealous of the sparkle in her eyes
  3. Stressless and enjoy the best
  4. Get out there and live a little
  5. I’m not high maintenance, you’re just low effort
  6. I’m not gonna sugarcoat the truth, I’m not Willy Wonka
  7. Life is better when you’re laughing
  8. Look for the magic in every moment
  9. Vodka may not be the answer but it’s worth a shot
  10. A sass a day keeps the basics away

Success Captions


  1. We did it!
  2. Work hard then work harder
  3. Hustlin’
  4. When daydreams become reality
  5. Say yes, take risks, and live life on your own terms
  6. The impossible is now possible
  7. Perseverance pays… a lot!
  8. It wasn’t always easy but it’s worth it
  9. Pursue your passion and you’ll never work a day in your life
  10. Entrepreneur life

Instagram Captions Travel

Instagram Captions Travel

  1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go first?
  2. Hope you’re enjoying work, I’ll just be chillin’ here in [destination]
  3. Leavin’ on a jet plane
  4. Guess where I am
  5. Work. Save. Travel. Repeat.
  6. Time for an adventure!
  7. Wanderlust
  8. Wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else
  9. Be right back, exploring the world
  10. I travel because you can always get more money, but you can never get more time
  11. Just gonna cross this off the bucket list…

Nature Captions for Instagram

Nature Captions for Instagram

  1. Go to the place where you feel most alive
  2. A walk in the woods feels like home
  3. By getting lost in nature, you get closer to finding yourself
  4. If you’re looking for heaven on earth step outside
  5. Sometimes all the soul needs is a walk in nature
  6. The mountains call to me
  7. “If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
  8. If you’re looking for beauty, you’ll find it in nature
  9. Life is short and the world is wide so get out there and explore it
  10. Wherever you go, leave a trail

Coffee Captions

  1. Resting coffee face
  2. Hocus pocus I need coffee to focus
  3. Life is better with a coffee in hand
  4. I like big cups and I cannot lie
  5. Taking a little coffee break
  6. Feeling depressed without my espresso
  7. I like myself how I like my coffee: dark, bitter, and too hot for you
  8. Caffeine Queen
  9. Too much Monday not enough coffee
  10. When things go wrong, coffee helps

Instagram Captions Lyrics

  1. “I could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me”
  2. “I think I’m ready for my close up”
  3. Pictures of last night ended up online, I’m screwed
  4. “I’ll just keep on living, the way I want to live”
  5. I got sinning on my mind
  6. Find me where the wild things are
  7. I got one less problem without ya
  8. I’m bringing sexy back
  9. We’re always undercover
  10. I don’t care if you tear me apart
  11. “There’s no way I could be stopped, was coming for your spot”
  12. “Hello, it’s me”

Instagram Captions Lyrics

  1. “I could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me”
  2. “I think I’m ready for my close up”
  3. Pictures of last night ended up online, I’m screwed
  4. “I’ll just keep on living, the way I want to live”
  5. I got sinning on my mind
  6. Find me where the wild things are
  7. I got one less problem without ya
  8. I’m bringing sexy back
  9. We’re always undercover
  10. I don’t care if you tear me apart
  11. “There’s no way I could be stopped, was coming for your spot”
  12. “Hello, it’s me”

Clever Instagram Captions

  1. Don’t judge someone by their mistakes but on how they fix them
  2. If I don’t post a picture, did it even really happen?
  3. You know you’ve made it when your idols become your rivals
  4. They call me to 
  5. ranch ‘cuz I be dressing
  6. One does not simply create a clever Instagram caption
  7. Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s the Clarendon filter
  8. If the world was created in 7 days but it took 9 months to make me, I’m clearly a big deal
  9. People will judge everything you do, so you do you
  10. I just rolled my eyes so hard I saw my brain
  11. You never realize how boring your life is until someone asks you what you do for fun

Cool Captions for Instagram

  1. Be the type of person you want to meet
  2. Just two friends having a good time
  3. Guess who I just met?
  4. Best. Day. EVER!
  5. What just happened?
  6. Go BIG or go home
  7. Treat yourself like a King and you’ll attract your Queen
  8. This is GOLD
  9. This is it!
  10. Express gratitude. Regret nothing.

Cute Instagram Captions

  1. This is me in all my glory
  2. Your smile is my favorite
  3. Je adore
  4. Keep your chin up so your crown doesn’t slip
  5. Be kind. Be love.
  6. Follow your heart in everything you do
  7. Don’t live a life regretting the things you didn’t do. Go do things!
  8. All I could ever want is right in front of me
  9. Don’t wait for the storm to pass, go out there and dance in the rain
  10. She brings out the best in me

Halloween Instagram Captions

Halloween Instagram Captions

  1. Pumpkin and spice and everything nice
  2. You’re my favorite BOO!
  3. Creep it real
  4. Happy Halloween!
  5. This is spooktacular
  6. Straight Outta Coffin
  7. I’m under your spell
  8. Bow down witches!
  9. If you’ve got it, haunt it
  10. Trick or treat?

Christmas Instagram Captions

  1. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
  2. Silent night… Oh, well we tried.
  3. This is my Christmas list, don’t forget to check it twice
  4. Falalalalalalalala
  5. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas. But if the white runs out, pour me some red.
  6. Don’t get your tinsel in a tangle
  7. Hanging out under the mistletoe
  8. Drink up Grinches, it’s Christmas
  9. Can I wrap you up?
  10. ‘Tis the season to be jolly

New Years Captions for Instagram

new year captions instagram

  1. Happy New Year, everyone!
  2. It’s only January 1st and I’ve already failed at my resolutions…
  3. 365 new days, chances, and opportunities to go after
  4. New year, new look
  5. 2021: new chapter or same old story? Let’s wait and see.
  6. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Chinese Proverb
  7. Cheers to a new year of love, happiness and success
  8. Hope you crush it in 2021 y’all!
  9. May your 2021 be healthy and wealthy
  10. Happy new dreams, happy new goals, happy new wins, happy new love, happy new days, and happy new year!

Birthday Instagram Captions

  1. A year wiser 🤓
  2. Go shawty, it’s my birthday
  3. Happy birthday to me!
  4. Having my cake and eating it too 🎂
  5. Making my birthday wish
  6. I’m officially [age]!
  7. Experience level: [age]
  8. “It takes a long time to grow young” – Pablo Picasso
  9. Another year older, wiser, and happier
  10. On this day, a queen was born. Happy birthday to me!
  11. Gonna party like my birthday… oh wait, it is!

Instagram Captions Ideas

  1. Just your average Monday morning commute
  2. It’s a chill in bed kinda day
  3. Hitting the books today
  4. Me jamming out to New Music Friday
  5. So this just happened!!!!
  6. Sleep like no one’s watching
  7. “Life is a practice. You are what you do each day.” – Isaac Asimov
  8. Exercise: check
  9. Today’s been the best day
  10. Let’s get the party started!

Gym Captions for Instagram

  1. Beast mode activated
  2. Keep your squats low and your standards high
  3. The awkward moment when you’re wearing a Nike shirt but you just can’t do it
  4. Does refusing to use the elliptical count as resistance training?
  5. Pain is weakness leaving the body
  6. Train like a beast
  7. Sweaty is pretty
  8. Working my butt off to get a better after photo
  9. I HAVE ABSolutely no excuse
  10. Getting WHEYsted


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